Ring Selection : Key to Successful Spinning
Rings and Travellers play a dominant role in the success of spinning process. And hence the selection of the Spinning Rings is the most crucial decision for the spinner. The X-Axis with its 6 decades of experience in manufacturing has been using precision technology for creating best quality Rings. Here in this article we are listing down key points to be considered for selection of Rings.
1 – Counts to be processed
Yarn diameter is inversely proportional to the count of the yarn and so coarser yarn has larger diameter as compared to finer yarn. Depending on the range of the yarn to be spun, the diameter has to be selected.
2 – Spindle Speed of the Ring Frame
With increase in speed of Ring Frame, the speed of Traveller also increases. The speed of Traveller can go upto 30mt/sec to 40mt/sec. Traveller linear speed is directly proportional to the diameter of the Ring and the Spindle speed. Higher the spindle speed, lower the diameter of the ring required.
3 – Geometry of Ring Frame
Geometry of the Ring Frame considers Balloon Length, Bobbin dia, Lift of the Bobbin and Total Length of the Bobbin as the main variables of the spinning geometry. All these parameters are linked with the spinning tension and winding tension; which inturn has to be compensated by correct Travellers and Ring combination.
4 – Length of the Bobbin and Bobbin Diameter
Bobbin Length is directly related with the Balloon height. At a certain speed higher the Balloon height the spinning tension will be more. The generated spinning tension is related with Balloon height and Ring Diameter, and hence becomes a key technical determinant for Ring Selection.
5 – Surface Hardness of the Ring
Surface Hardness plays an important role n achieving optimum performance of Ring and Traveller. While running on the surface of the ring at higher speeds, Traveller faces multiple forces from all directions. Hence metallurgy and profiling of Ring is important to check while making a selection.