In the process of Yarn Spinning by Rings, the role of Spinning Rings is of utmost significance. Many a times the Ring’s individual contribution to the Yarn quality is overlooked. However, our in-house studies and wide experience indicate, that, Rings has its direct effect on Spinning Output, Consistency and Longevity. It’s impact is not limited to spinning only, but extends to quality of weaving, knitting, dyeing and finishing.
Significance of Spinning Rings is indirectly providing a perfectly engineered path, for traveller in providing twist to the yarn and then winding the yarn. Its direct significance can be seen in perfect Cop building. As the drafted fibre strand passes through different physical phenomenon here, which reflects in formation of the final yarn, It is here that the quality of ringcompensates the Torsional Force on fiber strand without influencing the twisting, winding and spinning tension, that contributes in producing International class Yarn and globally accepted perfect Cop after Cop.
The challenge of quality is not only in bettering Output but to bring Consistency in this bettered output i.e. producing quality without (significant) variation throughout its operational life.
The X-Axis is working together to provide this Consistency in Yarn production, and lend spinners reliability in their effort of producing best quality Yarn.
The molecular structure of the processed steel used by X-Axis in making of these Rings and Travellers ensures durability that leads to optimisation of the spinning machine efficiency. Thus, it gives longevity to Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, Dyeing and Finishing.
These makes it clear that the quality and selection of Spinning Rings should be judged only in the light of its Output, Consistency and Longevity.
The X-axis rings are manufactured by employing precision engineering and latest technologies, with the focussed objective of Output, Consistency and Longevity in mind. This is measured in its Output and Consistency and experienced in its Longevity. Spinners across the globe are acknowledging the qualitative aspects of the Spinning Rings & Travellers manufactured by The X-axis.
The X-axis is committed to making a difference for the Spinners who desire best quality. By enhancing the efficiency of spinning yarn it is changing the parameters of yarn spinning by rings.