Spinning of Yarn is a large industry, marked with lot of diversity in its overall process and objectives. Different Spinners, across the globe have different needs, depending of the type of fibre they are spinning, their machinery and the industry they are supplying. Optimum output of Yarn requires perfect combination of Spinning Rings & Travellers with the Spinners set up. At The X-Axis we understand that, one size cannot fit all and hence have created a range of Special Sizes Rings that is made as per spinners specific requirements of size, finish and type.
The Special Range of Spinnings Rings and Travellers include Vertical Ring, Multigroove Ring and Ring Dia upto 150 mm. Basic Raw Material & Process is in such a controlled way to meet our excellent constant parameters within range. Special Rings can be fine tuned and designed to meet the needs of both Cotton as well as Synthetic Spinning.
Spinning Rings has a direct effect on Spinning Output, Consistency and Longevity of not only spinning, but affects weaving, knitting, dying and finishing. Quality conscious spinners are changing their perspective of Ring selection and are benefiting from the Special Rings custom made to optimise their output and profits.